Sponsor a family: Donate a 'Growbag package'.

For just US $ 23

  • Healthy and fresh organic vegetables for children and adults
  • Cost saving for the family
  • Food security for the community

What is ‘Grow Bag’?:  

Grow Bags are packed with soil, compost and other ingredients which form a favourable medium for plant growth. A plant is allowed to establish in the Growbag before the bag is delivered to the household. Grow Bags can sit anywhere where there is space and sunlight. A garden can be added to a home instantly which is the beauty of this system.

Maintenance needs are low as the only daily activity is to add a little water to each bag which even the children can do with the satisfaction of 'seeing their plants grow'. Grow Bags are big water savers.

How does the project work?  

Each household is delivered 30 Grow Bags produced at the Model Farm. Initially, the choice of plants will be: Chillies, Tomatoes, Brinjal, Capsicum and Ladies finger.

The Grow Bags are already enriched with Vermicompost. An additional quantity of Vermicompost is given to each household to be applied after 1.5 to 2 months.  Organic pesticides are also issued.

Close monitoring of the households is ensured. A phone line is also available for home gardeners to receive help and advice.

In addition to the supply of Grow Bags, Vermicompost in packets will be supplied to encourage households and farmers to adapt this product which increases productivity while improving the soil.

Health benefit

The health of both adults and children is now compromised due to chemical contamination. There is uncontrolled use of chemicals in the form of fertilizers and sprays.

Underground water is getting heavily polluted by the overuse of fertilisers and agrochemicals. This water in turn, is consumed by the public with adverse health outcomes.

Community wide expansion of organic growbag home gardens can significantly reduce the quantity of chemically contaminated vegetables coming into the market.

The number of families that can be assisted through this project is unlimited.


Through this project, ordinary people will learn how to raise organic home gardens successfully. As households will become self-sufficient and also earn additional money, there will be strong motivation to continue. Also, the concept is likely to spread.

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